Kolumne 10 | Hardgainer - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 10 | Hardgainer


Column 10 - Hardgainer
I have the following problem: No matter what I do, no matter how much I eat and no matter how hard and intensely I train, I just don't gain weight! I'm 1.86 meters tall and weigh 72 kilos. Can you help me?


Andreas Frey answers
As a so-called hardgainer (bodybuilder who has problems gaining weight), it is especially difficult to meet the basics of effectively gaining weight in the form of muscle mass.

While this is relatively easy for mesomorph types with a moderate metabolism, ectomorph athletes with a fast metabolism have to be much more targeted and especially adapt their diet to the difficult conditions.

The main problem hardgainers usually have is that their food intake does not compensate for the effects of their fast metabolism.
The training is no different than for athletes with a normal metabolism. The following guidelines should always be observed (easy to remember as the KISS principle):
  • Short = max. 60 minutes training
  • I ntensive = until muscle failure
  • Difficult = 6 to 12 repetitions
  • Clean = without swing/cushioning
Hardgainers should always have their food with them
As mentioned, hardgainers have a very fast metabolism and can actually eat anything without gaining fat - that's the big advantage. The disadvantage, however, is that the metabolism burns or metabolizes the nutrients consumed so quickly that there is hardly anything left to provide energy and almost nothing left for building muscle.

And this is exactly where the problem lies: the nutrient intake is not extensive enough to trigger long-term muscle growth because the metabolism burns the nutrients too quickly.

The main goal for the typical hardgainer is to increase nutrient intake; especially proteins and carbohydrates, but also to a certain extent fat.

The daily nutrient distribution for hardgainers (per kg of body weight) should be as follows:

  • 6-8 g carbohydrates per kg
  • 3-4 g protein per kg
  • 1-1.5 g fat per kg
Hardgainers need sufficient nutrients
This can be achieved through solid food. Foods such as poultry, cottage cheese and egg whites are suitable sources of protein. Carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice, oatmeal and pasta are particularly good for providing energy for strength training and replenishing glycogen stores as well as protecting the body's own protein from being broken down. Fats should primarily be obtained from healthy vegetable oils such as rapeseed, safflower and especially linseed oil.
Liquid nutrition in the form of shakes is a key factor in a successful hardgainer strategy.
Liquid nutrition is a clear option for hardgainers
However, solid food has the crucial disadvantage that it cannot be absorbed sufficiently, as the muscle cells of a hardgainer need for a sustainable build-up of muscle substance. The reason for this is the feeling of satiety that occurs much more quickly due to the increased food volume.

The problem is solved by using liquid food. You can consume much more of it because the feeling of fullness sets in more slowly. The absorption of the necessary nutrients into the muscle cells is faster because the body does not have to break down the food into its components first. Without the use of liquid food, it is almost impossible for a hardgainer to build muscle continuously. For example, my "Andreas standard breakfast" is very suitable for this - especially as a breakfast (mix everything well):

Andreas standard breakfast:
  • 500 ml low-fat milk
  • 1 banana
  • 250 g curd
  • 75 g oat flakes
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 10 ml linseed oil
The ASF is the perfect start to the day
Mega-Gain drinks are a good alternative to shakes, as they provide the body with carbohydrates and some proteins in a highly concentrated form. Two to four Mega-Gain shakes per day are recommended during the build-up phase.

An optimal Mega Gain Shake consists of 70 g MEGA GAIN , 50 g oat flakes and 400 ml low-fat milk.

Hardgainer training is no different than that of athletes with a normal metabolism.
MEGA-GAIN can also be used excellently with protein concentrates such as PROTEIN 96 or whey protein. This will give you a shake with the perfect mixing ratio. A Mega Gain Protein Shake should consist of the following ingredients: 70 g MEGA GAIN , 50 g PROTEIN 96 and 500 ml low-fat milk.
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