Hello Andreas, my name is Benjamin, I am 16 years old. I wanted to know what muscle building products I can take. The selection is so large that I don't know what to take or if I should take anything at all. Can you give me a tip?ANSWER

Only when you have taken these nutritional basics into account and created an appropriate basis for building muscle through your normal diet is it time to think about various nutritional supplements. First and foremost are protein supplements, which are designed to help you increase your protein consumption effectively and in a targeted manner.
I recommend you start with a so-called multi-component protein (whey, milk and egg protein) with a high proportion of casein (milk protein). This has an anti-catabolic effect and supplies your muscle cells with amino acids for up to six hours. Such a product represents PROTEIN 96 which has an extremely high protein and casein content. The daily amount should be consumed evenly throughout the day and especially late in the evening in order to take advantage of the anti-catabolic effect overnight when you do not eat anything. Two to three shakes a day, each consisting of 30 grams of protein powder mixed in 300 milliliters of water or milk, are completely sufficient. Secondly, I recommend TRIPLE WHEY , which should be taken primarily in the morning and directly after training. Since whey protein is absorbed very quickly by the muscle cells, these two times are ideal for use: especially in the morning after getting up and directly after training, the body is in a catabolic state that should be counteracted as quickly as possible with a whey protein shake.The following applies especially to the time after a workout: Only when the catabolic state has been eliminated can the organism initiate regeneration and then build up new muscle substance. Since you have used up a lot of muscle glycogen to provide energy during training, your primary goal should be to immediately refill the depleted glycogen stores. You can do this effectively and quickly with maltodextrin. Maltodextrin (with DE 12 in MALTO 95 contained) is almost tasteless and is very well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.
To start with, the combination I have described is completely sufficient. But always remember: Before you resort to nutritional supplements, your natural diet must be right!
With this in mind, I wish you good luck and success with your muscle building project!