Kolumne 45 | Mit breiter Brust - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 45 | With a broad chest


Column 45 - With a broad chest
I'm over 40 years old and have been training my entire body three times a week for 20 years. However, my chest muscles are not getting any bigger, even though I work them from all sides and do short-handle pullovers and flyes. How can I get them bigger and flatter?


Andreas Frey answers
Unfortunately, there is no special exercise or even a miracle formula for broad chest muscles. Only a bundle of measures can lead to progress. Basically, training three times a week is completely sufficient to get closer to your goal.

Reverse cable crossover is one of the isolation exercises
Complete intense workouts to the point of muscle failure. Perform the repetitions cleanly and without cheating. Always remember that the training should be relatively short and only serve as a stimulus for muscle growth. Anything over 60 minutes of training time would not only be a waste of time, but also counterproductive and could lead to overtraining and stagnation. Complete ten sets for large muscle groups such as chest and legs and six sets for small muscle groups such as biceps and triceps. The breaks between each set should always be one to two minutes, because only with consistent breaks can strength performances be comparable in the long term. A set should include eight to twelve repetitions.
"Any training session that lasts longer than 60 minutes is not only counterproductive, but can also quickly lead to overtraining." (Quote: A. Frey)
To experience a new stimulus, you can try a new training approach - for example, the holistic training according to Dr. Fred Hatfield, in which all repetition ranges are completed in one workout. This is because there are two types of muscle fibers, both of which must be stimulated in order to make progress: the slow-twitch fibers (type I), which determine the endurance capacity of the muscles, and the fast-twitch fibers (type II), which are of great importance for bodybuilders because their muscle cells can hypertrophy extremely.

Pullovers also work the shoulders and triceps
Only when both types are activated equally can muscle mass be gained and muscular endurance performance increased. In the article TRAINING METHODS you will learn more about the Hatfield system and the various different training principles.

Pull-ups and flyes are not necessarily mass exercises, flyes are generally considered isolation exercises. Pull-ups also involve the back and triceps to a large extent. On the other hand, you can build mass very well with basic exercises such as flat and especially incline bench presses. With incline bench presses - whether on the multi-press, on the machine or with the free barbell - you train both the upper and lower areas of the chest. As a second exercise, I recommend another pressing variant, such as flat or incline bench presses with dumbbells. You should then complete two more isolation exercises.

Unfortunately, there is no special exercise or even a miracle formula for broad chest muscles. And as with all muscle groups, intensive workouts alone are not enough. Adequate recovery, nutrition and supplementation are further milestones on the way to the goal.
Without sufficient protein there is no muscle building
However, without a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates with a moderate fat content, even the best training is doomed to failure. Two to three grams of protein and five to six grams of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight should be enough to promote muscle growth. Fat intake should be around 0.8 to one gram per kilo of body weight. Divide your meals evenly throughout the day, which ensures better absorption of nutrients and a constant insulin level. Five to six meals a day should be enough; they are much more beneficial than just three large meals, which can lead to strong insulin fluctuations and promote fat storage.

You can work with supplements that promote the growth of your (chest) muscles. For this purpose, I recommend ANABOLIC BCAA + (branched chain amino acids) 30 minutes before training and TRIPLE WHEY , MALTO 95 and the BCAAs directly after training. One or two protein shakes throughout the day, whether with or without meals, also increase your protein intake. CREATINE MONOHYDRATE can be an effective supplement for improving your strength and thus boosting muscle growth. Due to its osmotic effect, more water is stored in the muscles, which plays a key role in building new mass.

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