What are the reasons for the AMINO TABS , which for ANABOLIC BCAA ?
Competitive athletes usually use the purer isolate form. It contains less fat, fewer carbohydrates and therefore less lactose than the concentrate.
Even higher quality is whey hydrosilate, which is absorbed by the body the fastest. Unfortunately, it is inedible on its own as a powder, which is why it is only offered as a dietary supplement in combination with other protein compounds (such as concentrate and isolate).
One such example is TRIPLE WHEY WITH 3 DIFFERENT WHEY COMPONENTS , which, when ideally combined, achieve a higher biological value than the individual protein building blocks.
If you want to optimize your post-workout shake even further, you should add amino acids - especially in the form of BCAAs. PURE BCAA PRODUCT a PRODUCT WITH ALL AMINO ACIDS preferable. While a complete amino matrix has to pass through the liver and is thus partially broken down, the three branched-chain amino acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine can be absorbed directly by the muscles and thus develop their effect more effectively.TIP: AMINOS FOR CONSTANT INTAKE
However, if you want to achieve a consistent intake of amino acids that goes beyond post-workout nutrition, you can AMINO TABS WITH COMPLETE AMINO ACID MATRIX They are absorbed slowly by the body. Therefore, they are available to the muscle cells as building material for a longer period of time. It is particularly useful to take them with meals (to increase protein intake) and directly before going to bed.SEND US YOUR QUESTION!
Do you have any questions about bodybuilding, nutrition, training or supplements? Then send us your question by email to: INFO@FREYNUTRITION.DEThis will then be answered personally by Andreas Frey in the form of a column and published here!