A recent study at Laval University in Canada has also shown that calcium helps with weight loss. According to the study, around half of all people who are very overweight have a calcium deficiency. The study showed that overweight people who consumed around 1,200 mg of calcium during a diet lost an average of around 5 kg more weight than a corresponding control group without increased calcium intake. The researchers suspect that the body tries to compensate for calcium deficiency by increasing the intake of other nutrients.Increased calcium intake is said to stimulate the thyroid hormone PTH (parathyroid hormone), which reduces calcium uptake in the fat cells. Less calcium in the fat cells is said to stimulate what is known as lipolysis. This causes fat cells to melt and the fatty acids to oxidize.
Whether this really works is controversial. But one thing can be assumed with great probability: the body needs calcium and vitamins to burn fat. If the body has too little calcium, fat burning is disrupted. Instead of fat being broken down, it is deposited in the typical problem areas.The theory is that our cave-dwelling ancestors were already sensitive to calcium. Too little calcium indicated an impending famine. The body then slowed down its metabolism and at the same time created fat deposits in order to be able to supply the body with sufficient energy even when there was a lack of food.
This has not changed to this day. If you don't consume enough calcium, your body thinks it is starving and takes precautionary measures, which you can see on your hips.
Another theory suggests that too little calcium stimulates the production of the hormone calcitriol. This in turn leads to increased fat storage in the body.A study by the University of Tennessee (USA) also investigated the close connection between calcium and fat burning. The result: dairy products rich in calcium support fat burning. However, according to study leader Hang Shi, if you want to lose weight you should opt for low-fat dairy products such as low-fat curd, skimmed milk or cottage cheese. According to the study results, high-fat products hinder the weight-loss effect of diets. Low-fat products, on the other hand, are much more beneficial than previously thought.
Scientists already knew that calcium plays a regulatory role in fat metabolism. The mineral is responsible not only for the storage of lipids, but also for their breakdown. The study was able to show that the more calcium a fat cell contains, the faster it is used to generate energy.For their study, the researchers bred a special breed of mice that tend to gain fat. In preparation, they fed the rodents a diet that consisted of half fat and half carbohydrates for six weeks. After the feeding phase, all mice had a body fat percentage of at least 27%.
After the feeding phase, the mice were placed on a diet. They were divided into four groups. One group received normal food that was enriched with calcium. The second group received medium amounts of dried low-fat milk. The third group was fed high doses of dried low-fat milk. The fourth group was the control group, which was fed a calorie-restricted diet without additional calcium.
The result showed the positive effects of calcium on diet success. Compared to the control group, all mice fed calcium lost significantly more weight. The body fat percentage of the mice in the control group was reduced by around 8%. However, when the rodents were given calcium supplements, their body fat percentage was reduced by up to 42%.The best results were achieved by mice that got their calcium from milk. They were able to reduce their body fat by up to 69%. It was found that the more milk the mice were given, the more weight they lost.
The researchers also found an increase in core body temperature (thermogenesis) when the mice were given a lot of calcium. This increase also increases calorie consumption when at rest. In further studies, the researchers now want to find out whether the effect is just as pronounced in humans. However, exceeding the daily dose does not help with fat burning. Excess calcium is excreted from the body.
Whether calcium is a fat burner or not is secondary. What is important is that you take the recommended daily dose to avoid deficiency symptoms. And if you burn some fat, that is at least a welcome side effect.
Rich sources of calcium are milk and all dairy products such as low-fat curd, low-fat cheese or calcium caseinate in powder form. Anyone who thinks that the amount of calcium needed for increased fat burning can be covered by inexpensive effervescent tablets from the health food store should know that studies have found no positive effect on fat loss when taking extracted calcium in tablet form. It is the intake of natural calcium that counts.If you like it quick and uncomplicated, you can use PROTEIN 96 which contains concentrated calcium caseinate with a high proportion of natural calcium. With more than 300 mg of calcium per shake, fat burning is optimally supported.