Kolumne 20 | Mehr Effektivität - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 20 | More effectiveness


Column 20 - More Effectiveness
I am a masseuse and am training to become a B-license and personal trainer. I have been training regularly since January 2006 - sometimes even five times a week. For ten months I have also been doing spinning classes three times a week, and occasionally classes like "abs, legs, bum" and "Tae Bo". Before and after exercise I take around 20 grams of protein with milk, zinc, vitamins, creatine and a multi-component supplement. I like to eat Chinese food, eat a lot of rice, pasta or potatoes, tuna, pineapple and cottage cheese. Otherwise I eat a lot of fruit and liquorice and a little chocolate before going to bed. Since I have been dissatisfied with my muscle building for a long time, I would like to show you my training plan. As a professional you might immediately see the mistake. I do three sets each time, four sets for the legs (the first to warm up) and almost always ten repetitions. I once read that you should take a two-minute break between exercises. But I don't stick to that - Sometimes it's a minute, and when I change exercises I sometimes don't take a significant break.


  • Lat pulldown to the neck
  • Lat pulldown to chest (wide grip and narrow grip alternate weekly)
  • Rowing on the machine horizontally to the chest with a narrow grip
  • Lat pulldown with straight arms on the cable pull
  • Triceps press with overhand grip
  • Triceps press with underhand grip
  • Overhead triceps extensions on the cable pulley
  • Bench support between two benches with dumbbells on the thighs
  • one-arm triceps extension behind the head
  • French Presses
If I can manage it, I'll do the abdominal workout class beforehand.


one hour of spinning (medium intensity)


  • Leg stretches
  • Leg curls
  • Abductor machine
  • Adductor machine
  • Leg press lying on the machine
  • Leg presses (45°)
  • Squats on the multi-press
  • Dumbbell curls
  • Scott curls or cable curls
  • SZ dumbbell curls


one hour of spinning (high intensity)


  • Dumbbell bench press
  • Incline bench press or negative bench press
  • Flying on the flat bench
  • Dumbbell pullovers
  • Seated dumbbell shoulder presses
  • Lateral raises (both arms)
  • Lateral raises lying on the incline bench
  • upright rowing with the SZ dumbbell
  • Calf raises on the leg press (45°)
  • Seated calf raises
  • Butterfly machine


Abdominal course


Andreas Frey answers
Before I go into more detail about your training plan, I first want to say something about your diet, which can also be improved a little. Overall, it looks very sensible and healthy. Well, the chocolate before going to bed doesn't really fit into the concept. You should limit your chocolate consumption to a minimum and if you feel like it, consciously snack on it during the morning hours. This way, your body can use the energy it has taken in during the day and during training. Snacking on chocolate late in the evening can lead to fat storage, as you hardly burn any calories while you sleep.
The following rule of thumb applies to maltodextrin in the PWN: one gram per kilogram of body weight.
If you snack, don’t do it before going to bed!
A protein shake is a good thing before training, but 20 grams is very little - increase to 30 grams. Women must also eat a meal that is appropriate to their individual body weight immediately after training. Take in sufficient amounts of readily available carbohydrates, ideally MALTODEXTRIN . The rule of thumb is: one gram of maltodextrin for every kilo of body weight. Proteins should be consumed immediately after training in the form of WHEY PROTEIN because it is processed much faster than milk protein (casein). 30 grams should be enough for you.

The post-workout shake for nutrient supply
After training, it is primarily about maximizing insulin levels so that the nutrients absorbed reach the muscles quickly and initiate regeneration. This is achieved with maltodextrin. Creatine is also absorbed in a way that depends on insulin. Therefore, taking it before training is not particularly effective. It is more important to take creatine after training, as this is when optimal absorption can occur due to the release of insulin.

As far as your training plan is concerned, the division of muscle groups is not optimal. I advise you to train your back together with your biceps rather than your triceps. This will save you valuable time, because after your back training, your biceps will already be fully warmed up. This means you won't need to do as many sets to stimulate growth.

Exercising for more than 60 minutes increases cortisol levels and can lead to muscle loss.
Make sure you don't train for longer than 60 minutes. Anything longer will only increase your cortisol levels and should be avoided at all costs. The stress hormone cortisol has a strong catabolic effect, which could cause you to lose muscle mass.

Given your training schedule, it will be extremely difficult to complete this in 60 minutes. On Monday alone, you will complete 30 sets, assuming three sets per exercise. Reduce your program to a maximum of ten sets for large muscle groups such as chest, back, shoulders and legs and a maximum of six sets for small parts such as biceps, triceps, calves and abs.

Equal break times are important
Use a stopwatch to keep track of the rest times between sets. It is important to give your body and muscles the same rest time. One and a half to two minutes of rest are necessary to ensure progress. You can also vary the rest time. For example, you train for four weeks with two minutes of rest and then for one to two weeks with just one minute. This increases the intensity of your training enormously, as you complete the same workout in a much shorter time. Your body is literally shocked and reacts by building more muscle.

Further information on TRAINING or to the NUTRITION can be found in the relevant sections on this page. I wish you much success in building muscle!

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