Kolumne 58 | Kampf gegen Erschöpfung - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 58 | Fighting exhaustion



Column 58 - Fighting exhaustion


Column 58 - Fighting exhaustion
For years I have suffered from feeling extremely weak and exhausted after training. I have been doing fitness for 15 years, but exhaustion is my constant companion. Of course I also challenge myself a lot in training. I do moderate cardio twice a week and intensive weight training twice a week. Before and after training I take a shake with 30 grams of whey protein isolate, three to five grams of creatine and three to five grams of arginine. I regularly have a phase of less training for three to four weeks; and my diet is normal, I think. But the exhaustion (sometimes with muscle soreness that lasts for several days) remains. Do you have any tips as to why this is happening or what can be done about it? Are there certain supplements or eating habits that can help me counteract the exhaustion? Or am I just training wrong?


Andreas Frey answers
First, you should find out what causes your situation...

A state of exhaustion usually has three causes:
  • 1. too much training,
  • 2. too little rest and/or
  • 3. inadequate nutrition.
Based on your comments, I don't think you're training too much, even though you don't write anything about the length of your training sessions. If you stick to a maximum training time of 60 minutes per session, you can rule out overtraining through the workout.

Overtraining is caused by poor nutrition
Since four workouts a week - twice cardio and twice strength training - are actually not too much, your body is certainly getting enough rest. So in my opinion, the only possible cause is diet.

The all too brief description of your eating habits actually suggests that - given the intensity of your workouts - it could be due to inadequate, if not incorrect, nutrition. After training in particular, the muscle cells cry out for quickly available and high-quality food. The faster the required nutrients are supplied, the faster the body enters the recovery phase and then the building phase. The body does not build muscle if the used reserves in the form of muscle glycogen are not fully replenished.

Many athletes, who often suffer from exhaustion, pay attention to the balance between stress and recovery, but underestimate the importance of nutrition and nutritional supplements.
After an intensive workout has heavily used the glycogen stores, the muscle cells especially need QUICKLY AVAILABLE CARBOHYDRATES , preferably in the form of maltodextrin. This ensures a rapid rise in insulin followed by a steady fall, which is optimal for a constant replenishment of the glycogen stores depleted during training.

You should consume one gram of maltodextrin per kg of body weight. There are different quality levels that can be differentiated using the dextrose equivalent. Conventional maltodextrin has a dextrose equivalent of 19, other variants have 14 to 16 ? at MALTO 95 it is 12. The lower the dextrose equivalent, the more constant and efficient the absorption of carbohydrates into the muscle cells.

After training, PWN is MANDATORY!
An optimal supplement to maltodextrin is whey protein or - even better - whey protein isolate, which you already consume. I recommend ISO WHEY WITH ITS HIGH ISOLATE CONTENT and increase the dosage to about 50 grams. The optimal dosage is 0.5 grams of ISO WHEY per kg of body weight.

You can take MALTO 95 and ISO WHEY together in a shake, preferably with still water and not with milk. This is for good reason, because the fat contained in milk inhibits the rise in insulin levels - which is particularly important after training - and delays the absorption of nutrients. Don't worry, most modern protein preparations taste great in water, especially ISO WHEY, as it is developed on a water basis. This is also the case with PROTEIN 96, TRIPLE WHEY AND MEGA PROTEIN the case.

Buy Glutamine


The amino acid L-glutamine is considered a real secret weapon against exhaustion and impending overtraining. STUDIES PROVE that taking L-glutamine directly after training can not only improve the recovery phase, but also prevent colds and strengthen the immune system.
If you continue to feel weak after taking maltodextrin and L-glutamine, you can try taking the L-glutamine several times throughout the day. I do this especially in the winter months or when dieting to prevent colds. IN CONJUNCTION WITH VITAMIN C There is hardly a more effective combination!

Studies show that L-glutamine can not only improve recovery, but also prevent colds and strengthen the immune system.
Of course, your daily diet should also be goal-oriented (unfortunately, many athletes overestimate their diet). Many of my previous columns will certainly help you to maintain a suitable diet. So much for now: your diet should be rich in protein and carbohydrates - more or less carbohydrates, of course, depending on your goal.

Healthy fats should not be missing
Good, unsaturated fat is also a must. Many athletes reduce their fat intake too much - with fatal consequences, such as a drop in metabolism and a deterioration in fat mobilization and fat breakdown. Continue to pay attention to a ADEQUATE INTAKE OF VITAMINS , which are particularly found in fruits and vegetables and also play an important role in regeneration.

You regularly change the intensity of your training by training less hard for a few weeks. But it would be better to take a complete break from training after a certain intensive training phase (for example after twelve weeks). This should last about a week. This allows you to recover holistically, because if you train hard and put your muscles under intense strain, you need to give them a break every now and then in order to make lasting, successful progress.

Send us your question!

Send us your question!


Do you have any questions about bodybuilding, nutrition, training or supplements? Then send us your question by email to: INFO@FREYNUTRITION.DE

This will then be answered personally by Andreas Frey in the form of a column and published here!

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