Kolumne 61 | Endlich Fortschritte - Teil 1 - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 61 | Finally progress - Part 1



Column 61 - Finally progress


Column 61 - Finally progress
Despite strength training and jogging, a "roll" remains on my stomach. And I also find it difficult to build muscle, although I use supplements such as BCAAs, glutamine, creatine, testosterone boosters and various protein powders. Even diets such as the anabolic and metabolic diets have not helped much. Why can't I get rid of this last "roll"? And what am I doing wrong when it comes to building muscle? I would be so happy to finally see real progress in myself!


Andreas Frey answers
You are complaining about two problems: fat deposits on your stomach and a lack of muscle growth. Be aware that it is not possible to lose fat while building muscle at the same time.

Therefore, you should first decide on a goal. I would recommend that you first try to build muscle in order to have more metabolically active mass, which will help you significantly in the subsequent diet to burn more fat.

Without sufficient protein, muscle building is impossible
Without protein, muscle building is not possible. I recommend that you consume around 2.5 g of protein per kilo of body weight per day. Try to combine as many types of protein as possible to increase the overall biological value.

For example, combinations of egg protein with soy protein, egg protein with milk or egg protein with potato protein make sense.

Multicomponent proteins contain such coordinated protein combinations. PROTEIN 96 THE BIOLOGICAL VALUE IS OVER 136 DUE TO THE MIX OF FOUR COMPONENTS ? more is hardly possible. Milk, lean poultry, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites and protein shakes should therefore be included more in your diet plan (see: MACRONUTRIENTS: PROTEINS / PROTEIN )!

The right amount and combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is crucial for successful muscle building!
Carbohydrates give you the energy you need for training. By regulating your carbohydrate intake, you can increase your insulin levels at certain times - for example, right after you get up and right after training - and lower them at other times of the day - for example, before you go to bed. You should consume 5 to 6 g of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight every day. Use mainly complex and medium-chain carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, pasta, rice and potatoes. In the morning and after training, when you want to achieve a maximum insulin level, OPTIMALLY USE QUICKLY AVAILABLE CARBOHYDRATES SUCH AS MALTODEXTRIN so that your glycogen stores fill up quickly (see: MACRONUTRIENTS: CARBOHYDRATES ).

The meal after training is the most important of the day
The third crucial nutrient for regular muscle building is fat. I recommend that you consume around 1 g per kilo per day - primarily vegetable fats such as safflower, rapeseed and especially linseed oil. In this context, try to avoid saturated fats as much as possible (see: MACRONUTRIENTS: FATS ).

The meal after training is, along with breakfast, the most important meal of the day. After training, the body has an increased need for nutrients and the muscle cells literally absorb the nutrients. This "anabolic window" is open for a maximum of 60 minutes (see: THE INSULIN THEORY ). Use it by consuming the following nutrients (preferably with water):

Try the pendulum diet, which can be maintained for a long time thanks to a variable calorie intake. This type of diet never gets boring because you eat differently every day - like a pendulum that is always moving. The important thing is to divide the calories and nutrients efficiently. If the training days are set on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, the distribution looks like this:
  • Monday: 5500 kcal
  • Tuesday: 4000 kcal
  • Wednesday: 2300 kcal
  • Thursday: 4000 kcal
  • Friday: 4000 kcal
  • Saturday: 2300 kcal
  • Sunday: 2300 kcal
Total: 24400 kcal
The pendulum diet is one of the most effective diets
This results in an average of around 3500 calories per day. On Monday you have a so-called "feeding day" to boost your metabolism. You cover these additional calories primarily through carbohydrates. The pendulum diet is a very simple diet because the nutrients protein and fat always remain the same. The pendulum of calories only affects the carbohydrate intake (see: THE COMMUTER DIET ).

In the next column, I will talk about training and the basics of the diet that you should follow after the build-up phase in order to lose even the last rolls of belly fat!

Send us your question!

Send us your question!


Do you have any questions about bodybuilding, nutrition, training or supplements? Then send us your question by email to: INFO@FREYNUTRITION.DE

This will then be answered personally by Andreas Frey in the form of a column and published here!

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