Kolumne 81 | Maximale Proteinaufnahme - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 81 | Maximum protein intake



Column 81 - Maximum protein intake


Column 81 - Maximum protein intake
I've heard that the body can only absorb 30 grams of protein every three hours.

Is there any truth to this? Or could I consume larger amounts of protein in my diet at shorter intervals?


Andreas Frey answers
There are indeed such research results regarding the absorption capacity of proteins, but unfortunately they are often misinterpreted. The study in question dealt with the question of how much protein the human organism is able to absorb. In principle, there is no generally applicable flat rate value for this, as protein absorption depends on factors such as age, gender, body weight, training intensity or muscle mass.

FREY athlete Alexej Kauz consumes about 400 g of protein per day
For example, a bodybuilder who regularly trains intensively can absorb significantly more protein than a person of the same weight who does not exercise.

In addition, athletes with a higher percentage of muscle mass require significantly more protein and can absorb more than non-athletes with little to average muscle development.

On average, you can use 30 g of protein per hour, which means you can easily consume 60 g of protein per meal (every 2-3 hours).
As the study showed, humans can only absorb 30 grams of protein, but this is per hour! However, since people do not usually eat a meal every hour, but rather every two to three hours, 60 to 90 grams of protein per meal is no problem for the human organism. Heavy athletes with a lot of muscle mass and over 100 kg can absorb even larger amounts, as their organism ultimately breaks down more of it.

The average athlete needs around 60 grams of protein per meal. Assuming five meals a day, this gives a total of 300 grams of protein per day, which should be enough for most athletes.

TRIPLE WHEY for post-workout use
Protein intake is particularly important immediately after training, as this is when the muscle cells are crying out for protein to replenish the amount consumed during training. The faster an adequate amount of protein is consumed, the better for regeneration and thus for muscle building. Immediately after training, the body has an increased ability to absorb nutrients, which lasts for up to several hours. Since rapid absorption is required, you should consume a protein after training that is quickly absorbed by the muscle cells and does not put strain on them.

TRIPLE WHEY has proven itself to be the optimal protein for this purpose, as it contains a special whey protein matrix with 3 different types of whey protein and ensures rapid protein absorption within a few minutes. Professionals and advanced users use ISO WHEY with a 100% isolate content, as this is purer and contains less fat and carbohydrates.

MALTO 95 for glycogen replenishment
But not only protein is important after training, but also a carbohydrate intake adjusted to the individual body weight in order to refill the glycogen stores that were emptied during training. Only after the reserves that were used up during the workout have been replenished does the organism begin to build new muscle mass. For this purpose, the special maltodextrin product MALTO 95 , which contains a DE (= dextrose equivalent) of 12 and ensures a rapid and constant carbohydrate absorption.
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Do you have any questions about bodybuilding, nutrition, training or supplements? Then send us your question by email to: INFO@FREYNUTRITION.DE

This will then be answered personally by Andreas Frey in the form of a column and published here!

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