Kolumne 36 | Die Blutgruppendiät - Demo-Frey-Nutrition

Column 36 | The blood group diet


Column 36 - The blood group diet
I recently read about the blood type diet. I looked into it a little more closely, compared the information with my blood type and found that athletes with blood type A probably don't have the best conditions for building muscle mass. This is because many foods that should be consumed in a balanced diet are in the "avoid" category. As a result, the choice is significantly limited, especially for athletes with blood type A.

Will you tell the readers your blood type or do you even know that of other professionals? And what do you think of this type of diet? Have you already had any experience with it?


Andreas Frey answers
To get straight to the point: I don't think much of the blood group diet. For the simple reason that there is no scientific evidence to support it. That means that for me this diet is a complete theory. I also find it unrealistic when the proponents of the blood group diet and its inventor Peter D'Adamos claim that certain foods cause the blood to "clump".

The blood group diet is not scientifically proven
I don't know a single athlete or even a bodybuilder who follows the blood group diet. For me, a solid diet, together with nutritional supplements such as protein, maltodextrin and amino acids in the right amounts and at the right time, is the cornerstone of optimizing performance in bodybuilding. Depending on your goals, you can and should vary the carbohydrates in your diet. Fats and proteins should always be constant and in an appropriate ratio that is tailored to the individual athlete and their goals.


Many recommend carbohydrates before training and protein afterward. Now I read on your website that you recommend carbohydrates immediately after training. Why?

Don’t carbohydrates make you fat after training?


An intense workout uses up a lot of glycogen
To understand the point of taking carbohydrates or maltodextrin after training, you first need to know what happens during intensive weight training: glycogen stores are broken down to a considerable extent. You usually notice this because you feel weak immediately after the workout. You have trained at full intensity, the body is "empty" and feels tired. It is precisely at this point that you need to supply it with nutrients, primarily carbohydrates and proteins, so that it gets exactly what it used up during training.

If you do not compensate for this loss with a so-called post-workout meal (= the first meal after training), the body cannot initiate the recovery phase. This leads, among other things, to a halt in muscle growth and, in the long term, to overtraining. That is why I recommend an appropriate intake of nutrients directly after training, i.e. before showering - the sooner this happens, the better and faster the body can initiate the recovery phase. For a body weight of 80 kilos, for example, the post-workout meal should look like this:

Post-workout nutrition (at 80 kg):
After training, PWN is mandatory!
The most important nutrients for the period immediately after training are carbohydrates, which are needed to increase insulin levels and thus promote protein storage in the muscle cells and the replenishment of glycogen stores. Whey protein is particularly suitable after a workout because it is a protein that is absorbed very quickly.

At other times of the day, a product like PROTEIN 96 Sinn, which contains milk protein, whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate and egg albumin. These types of protein provide the muscle cells with their valuable building blocks for muscle growth in the long term. They are particularly recommended to be taken at bedtime; also to prevent muscle loss.

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