Column 25 | All beginnings are difficult January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE IF ONLY LIMITED EQUIPMENT IS AVAILABLE. ? I am 19 years old, weigh 75 kilos and have been training for three months. As I am currently...
Column 26 | Muscle soreness and muscle building January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian HOW IMPORTANT IS MUSCLE SORENESS FOR BUILDING MUSCLE? ? Is muscle soreness always a sign of gains? Or the other way around: Is training without subsequent muscle soreness not as...
Column 27 | Adjusting weaknesses January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian STRATEGIES TO COMPENSATE FOR DEFICITS BETWEEN THE SAME MUSCLES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BODY. ? I have a question about the shape of my biceps. I have been training...
Column 28 | Be careful with your back January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian A HERNIATED DISC IS A SERIOUS MATTER, BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN THE END OF WEIGHT TRAINING FOR LIFE. ? I have been an enthusiastic SPORTREVUE reader for over 20 years,...
Column 29 | Fat Loss Made Easy January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian ACHIEVE SUCCESSFUL AND LONG-TERM FAT LOSS WITH THE HELP OF THE 6 DIET BUILDING BLOCKS. ? I'm 1.80 meters tall and weigh 108 kilos. I want to lose a few...
Column 30 | Various divergences January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian WHAT TO DO IF THE MUSCLES ARE DIFFERENT SIZES ON THE RIGHT AND LEFT ? My chest and latissimus muscles are different sizes: the left chest is bigger than the...
Column 31 | To a new level January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian TRAINING STRATEGIES FOR GROWING STUBBORN MUSCLES. ? My problem area is definitely my chest muscles. So I wanted to ask what I should do to bring this muscle group up...
Column 32 | Supplementary Review January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian WHICH FOOD SUPPLEMENTS ARE NECESSARY AND WHICH ARE NOT. ? I always read your articles with great interest. Due to the competent answers, which you always back up very well,...
Column 33 | Hypertrophy, Strength, Definition January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian DON'T TRY TO ACCOMPLISH THE THREE MAIN GOALS OF BODYBUILDING AT THE SAME TIME. ? My question is about the increase in strength in different repetition ranges. Since I'm mainly...
Column 34 | Skin cracks? Companions of growth January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian WHAT TO DO IF TISSUE TEARS OCCUR AND THREATEN TO SPREAD FURTHER? ? I am 15 years old and have been training for a good eight months. Up until November...
Column 35 | Get rid of the fat January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian WHAT YOU NEED TO CONSIDER ABOUT NUTRITION, CARDIO TRAINING AND SUPPLEMENTS TO SUCCESSFULLY DIET. ? I do 20 to 40 minutes of cardio four days a week after strength training...
Column 39 | The effective fat killer January 10, 2024Samvel Grigorian THE COMBINATION OF STRENGTH AND CARDIO TRAINING BOOSTS YOUR METABOLISM IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY. ? I've been going to the gym with my boyfriend for about three months now to...